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Man child, square little time. Friends of parents and teachers, learning etiquette : Subject line of spam e-mail
SSARK Brand Book

Illustrations and Graphic Design for Brand Book for Scheiwiller & Svensson Architects.


RW2012 Illustration

The exhibition To me there´s no other choice – Raoul Wallenberg 1912-2012 honours Raoul Wallenberg and his work to save jews from the Holocaust at the end of World War II. It is produced by the Swedish Institute on behalf of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and in collaboration with the Living History Forum. It was inaugurated at the Hungarian National Museum in Budapest on 17 January 2012 in the presence of the Swedish and Hungarian Foreign Ministers.
. (More…)

Växjö Eco Map

Illustration for Sweden Up North, Down to earth, a book about Sweden by the Swedish Institute, edited by Rikard Lagerberg and Emma Randecker. The illustration shows samples of green projects in the Swedish city Växjö (spread in pdf here). 3DMax, Illustrator and Photoshop.



Concept illustration of design hotel RIVAL at Mariatorget, Stockholm.


Kv Loen

Architectural illustrations for Bergkrantz Arkitekter, Stockholm. Residential flats, offices and commercial areas. Photoshop work.



Concept illustrations for new exhibitions and public spaces for the National Museum of Science and Technology in Stockholm.



Conceptualization of showcase settings for live video art, web broadcasted by Beeoff / Splintermind. At Telia Headquarters, Stockholm. Lightwave and Photoshop work.


Alltid Njutid

RFSU Stockholm

Graphic design and illustration for condom box and broschure for RFSU Stockholm (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education). Concept in cooperation with Pelle Ullholm / RFSU Stockholm.

Copy by Pelle Ullholm.


Selected Projects
in Illustration