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Projects for Swedish Sports Confederation

Most successful people begin with two beliefs: the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so : David Brooks NYT / Malcolm Gladwell

Copy text for inspirational film shown at start of RiksidrottsForum, RIF 2010, bi-annual gathering of the Swedish Sports Confederation (RF) and SISU Idrottsutbildarna.


Stoppa Föreningskatten


Concept, copy text and graphic design for lobbying campaign, for the Swedish Sports Confederation. Koncept och copy samt grafisk formgivning för lobbyingkampanj mot förslaget till ny föreningsskatt. Skatten skulle slå hårt mot små idrottsföreningar och klubbar. Kampanjen omfattade annonser, kampanjwebbsite, web-banners och videofilmer. (More…)

RF – Value Films

Four TV spots/inspirational films we made for The Swedish Sport Confederation. Part of a campaign to promote the values of Swedish sport. Three of the films where screened as commercials on Swedish TV 4.


RF – Value Films

Copy texts for four TV spots/inspirational films we made for The Swedish Sport Confederation. Part of a campaign to promote the values of Swedish sport. Three of the films where screened as commercials on Swedish TV 4.


Sweet Spot Sweden

International campaign promoting Sweden as a “Sweet Spot for Sport” with the aim to market Sweden as a worthy choice for major sports events in the international arena. Sweet Spot Sweden is a collaboration between the Swedish Sports Confederation and regional partners Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Jämtland Härjedalen.
